I hadn't really thought of a resolution right up until we started playing the 'guess whose resolution' game at our New Year's Eve party, which is surprisingly dumb since we (my husband and I) hosted it and had planned the games as well. But, this, I realize has paid off handsomely, I believe I wrote what my heart truly desired. I may have quantified my 'aim' for the year 2013 in terms of the number of garments I want to create, but as I stared at the little piece of paper, I realized I wanted this to be more about the experience. I want to learn to be patient with my fabric and not rush the process. I tend to get impatient to see the finished garment and have been known to skip the small steps which I later realize do affect the outcome. And lastly, coming back to earth, not produce as many duds as last year. Of course all of this was after the very first thought of 'what pretty handwriting I have'. Hey, a girl's gotta be vain sometimes!
Which led to this...
And once I had such a pretty pretty place, I HAD to show it off and hence this blog!! :)
Haha.. we need more of those parties! Love the blog!